History & Biography Dawn Of Defiance was a fairly active underground individual out of Uruguay, namely Diego Sendera, who played doom metal. Deadsun Records announced that it will distribute the band's The Obscure Awakening CD. The man had previously issued the demos Haunted Dreams and Summoning Death. The band later signed with Mythic Silence Records.
Dawn Of Defiance is a CD single from Uruguay's underground metal activist Diego Sendra. The two songs on offer, Summoning Death and Haunted Dreams, mate death metal with doom metal and win points for the genuine atmosphere and darkness created. The man uses both clean vocals and growls and alternates the music from deep heaviness to acoustic interludes. A lot of emotion has been placed into the creation which is let-down by the drum machines. Having said that, as far as underground music goes, Dawn Of Defiance is in the proverbial abyss and well worth the time and interest. The band's site is www.dawnofdefiance.com and one can e-mail Diego at defiance@internet.com.uy. - Ali "The Metallian"