Members Vocals Psychotomy, Stench Of Profit, Deus Irae, Pyra>>L. [LORENZA DE ROSSI]>>Psychotomy, Stench Of Profit, Deus Irae, PyraGuitar Psychotomy, Stench Of Profit, Deus Irae, Pyra>>L. [LORENZA DE ROSSI]>>Psychotomy, Stench Of Profit, Deus Irae, PyraBass Dawn, Torment, Sepulcral, Irreverence, Drown In Blood, Ira, Expired, Evilspell, Daemoniac, Violentor, Perfidious>>G./GIGI [LUIGI CORINTO]>>Ira, Expired, Evilspell, PerfidiousDrum Horrid, Kadavar, Into Darkness, Funest, Fuoco Fatuo, Torment, Phobic, Drown In Blood, Decrepid, Daemoniac>>D. [DAVIDE BACCHETTA] |
Dead Chasm