Twilight>>Unbound>>DEATHBOUND - FINLAND

To Cure The Sane With Insanity - 2003 - Woodcut
Doomsday Comfort - 2005 - Dynamic Arts
We Deserve Much Worse - 2007 - Dynamic Arts
Non Compos Mentis – 2010 - Dynamic Arts

Deathbound image
Necromicon, Deathchain, The Duskfall>>KAI JAAKKOLA>>Deathchain, The Duskfall, MonsterSpank, Kürøishi

…And Oceans, O, Black Dawn, True Black Dawn>PETE SEIKKULA>>O, …And Oceans, Black Dawn, True Black Dawn, Baptism, Alghazanth, Ymir, Khashm

Hellmasker, The Duskfall, Daemonicus>>Tommy Konu>>The Duskfall, Daemonicus, Hellmasker, Malakhim – Vomiturition, …And Oceans, Rotten Sound>>Mika Q Aalto>>…And Oceans, Rotten Sound, Q, Malev6, God Forsaken – Rotten Sound>>TONI PIHLAJA>>Rotten Sound, Circum

Q [Mika Aalto]>>Malev 6, Vomiturition, True Black Dawn, ...And Oceans, O, Deathbound, Epäjärjestys, Havoc Unit, Rotten Sound – …And Oceans, Rotten Sound>>SAMI LATVA>>…And Oceans, Ghost Guard, Havoc Unit, O, Rotten Sound, Coughdust

History & Biography
Deathbound’s dawn came as Twilight in 1995 and the name changed to Unbound in 2000 before rechristening to Deathbound. The initial 1995 demo was simply called Twilight. A follow-up demo was called Melancholy of Northern landscapes. Two more demos, called Flames Of Madness and Elaborate The Torture, in 1999 and 2000 followed. The band played a brutal brand of death metal being staffed by ...And Oceans, Rotten Sound and The Duskfall members. Q switched to drums upon returning. Deathchain and Deathbound issued a split EP in 2005.

Dynamic Arts Records reissued the band To Cure The Sane With Insanity in 2006 with bonus live material from the band’s performance at The Tuska Open Air 2005. Jaakkola also joined Deathchain 2007. The band threw in the towel in 2010.


This is a re-release of Deathbound’s debut originally released by Woodcut Records. Right from the start it is very clear where Deathbound is taking the listener. The opener, One Man’s Hell Is Another Mans Heaven, is as grinding, fast and heavy as one can ever expect a song to be. Leaving very little breathing room Without Pain inflicts more hurt. Whitecoatparanoia follows with another very short movie sample intro and even though it is not even the eighth minute of this 37-minute release the band have succeeded where almost everyone fails, damaging ears. As Reluctance Grows must be the sentiment of the said eardrums. Treacherous Breed is 1:44 of pure crushing mayhem. Silent City Deathcount’s pace is unabated. Consumed continues where the preceding left off. The House Of The Silent And Friendly is only slightly less speedy and is reminiscent of Carcass and early Swedish death metal. The Flesh Is The Cage is again a bit more death metal compared to the grinding before it with of an eerie sample at the end. This Dynamic Arts release feature four bonus live songs in Gasmask, For The Rats, Doomsday Comfort and One Mans Hell Is Another Mans Heaven, the first three taken from the band’s Doomsday Comfort album. - Anna Tergel

