Night Sky Transform – 2012 - 7 Degrees
Ravenous Solemnity – 2014 - 7 Degrees
Impossible Orbits – 2017 - Selfmadegod
Sublimation - 2020 - Selfmadegod

Dephosphorus image
Straighthate, Amnis Nihili, Kommpound>>PANOS AGOROS>>Amnis Nihili, Kommpound

Straighthate, Naφθalyn, Voidhead>>THANOS MANTAS>>Naφθalyn, Voidhead

Fated Circle, Abyssus, Decipher>>COSTAS RAGIADAKOS>>Abyssus, Decipher

Injekting Khaos>>Nikos Megariotis – Nadiwrath, Mortal Torment, Thy Darkened Shade, Stillborn Virtue, Plaguendgraves, Ravencult, Plaguendgraves, Nekrochakal, Nadiwrath, Abyssgale, Hordes Of Decay, Dødsferd, Vacantfield, Thou Art Lord, End, Slaughtered Priest, Principality Of Hell, Disharmony, Ectoplasma, Nigredo, Mentally Defiled, Fadom, Saboter, Violent Definition, Triumpher, Caedes Cruenta, Shadowmass, Coven Of Doom, The Magus>>JOHN VOTSIS>>Dødsferd, Vacantfield, Thou Art Lord, End, Slaughtered Priest, Principality Of Hell, Disharmony, Ectoplasma, Nigredo, Mentally Defiled, Fadom, Saboter, Violent Definition, Triumpher, Caedes Cruenta, Shadowmass, Coven Of Doom, The Magus

History & Biography
This so-called Astrogrind band was founded in Athens, Greece in 2008. A 12” called Axion was issued through 7 Degrees Records in 2011. 2012 brought two split releases with the likes of Wake. The debut full-length came in 2012. Votsis joined in 2013. The man was constantly travelling searching for new bands to join. Costas Ragiadakos joined in 2016. Dephosphorus Impossible Orbits was out on vinyl through 7 Degrees in 2018. Selfmadegod originally issued it in 2017. Astralaudioviolence (Live At Temple) was issued independently in 2020. It was recorded in Athens, Greece in 2018. It was dedicated to Dutch actor Rutger Hauer who had died in 2019. Sublimation was released in September of 2020. Drummer Votsis continued his quest of being in projects. The band reported having a new album ready in 2022.


