Violence Is The Prince Of This World - 1996 - Modern Invasion
Unchain The Wolves - 1997 - Modern Invasion
Phoenix Rising - 2001 - Season Of Mist
Cold Steel For An Iron Age - 2002 - Season Of Mist
Defiance – 2009 – Season Of Mist
Wildfire – 2016 - Season Of Mist
Live At The Devils Gate – 2021 – Burn
Let The Demon Speak – 2022 - GoatowaRex
Never Surrender – 2022 – Season Of Mist

Destroyer 666 image
Corpse Molestation, Raven's Wing, Bestial Warlust>>KEITH WARLUST [KEITH BEMROSE] - Capilla Ardiente, Scald>>FELIPE PLAZA KUTZBACH>>Capilla Ardiente, Scald

Corpse Molestation, Raven's Wing, Bestial Warlust>>KEITH WARLUST [KEITH BEMROSE] – Razor Of Occam, Adorior>>Ian Shrapnel [Ian Gray]>>Razor Of Occam, Adorior, Nocturnal Graves – Crom Dubh, Goat Molestor, Cruciamentum, Grave Miasma>>R.C. [Roland]>>Cruciamentum, Grave Miasma, Adorior

Hobbs Angel Of Death, Bestial Warlust>>Bullet Eater [Phil Gresik]>>Long Voyage Black, Butterfly, Solo, Mass Confusion, Tyrus – Simon Berserker [Simon Turner]>>Simon Turner – Agatus, Razor Of Occam>>Matt Schneemilch>>Razor Of Occam – Mourners Lament, Vein, Procession, Capilla Ardiente, Nifelheim>>FELIPE PLAZA KUTZBACH>>Procession, Capilla Ardiente, Nifelheim

Damaged, Abramelin, Blood Duster, Sadistik Exekution>>Matt 'Skitz' Sanders>>Damaged, Engraved, Grave Temple, Insidious Torture, Berserkerfox, Mutilathymn, Diabolic Rites, Lumen ad Mortem – Sarcophagus, Gospel Of The Horns>>Mark Howitzer>>Gospel Of The Horns – Destruktor>>Deceiver >>Nuclear Exterminator – Old, Homicide>>Mersus [Chris Menning]>>Homicide, Gospel Of The Horns – Wortox, Altar, Suffer, Serpent, In Aeternum, Nex, Nominon, Die Hard>>Perracide [Perra Karlsson]>>In Aeternum, Nex, Nominon, Die Hard, Dreaful Fate – Perversifier,Sudden Death, Under The Abyss, Abnorm, Deathless Bastards, Assaulter, Trench Hell, Demonic Oath, Necrowretch, Venefixion, Sépulcre, Whipstriker, Hexecutor, Goat Torment, Scumslaught>>KEV DESECRATOR>>Venefixion, Sépulcre, Whipstriker, Hexecutor, Goat Torment, Scumslaught

History & Biography
Deströyer 666 was formed in Melbourne by KK Warlust who soloed the first album. Typical for Australia, the band mixes death metal with grindcore. Several EPs exist from the band with Satanic Speed Metal ('98) and King Of Kings ('00) being the better known ones. The band signs to Seasons Of Mist for two albums in 2000 and, now residing in the Netherlands as of 2001 (and also Denmark), plays a European tour, Fuck The Commerce, Under The Black Sun and other festivals. The band was also booked for Eindhoven before its cancellation. The band released its fourth album in the early spring of 2002 and toured Europe. 2002 also brought a 7" EP through Satans Metal Records of The Netherlands and a tour opening for Deicide and Behemoth. Defiance was slated for June of 2009. Bay Area thrashers Heathen replaced Deströyer 666 on the 2011 North American Reckoning tour headlined by Destruction. Deströyer 666 had had to cancel the tour due to an “unavoidable personal commitment.” In 2012, Guitarist Ian Gray Shrapnel left Deströyer 666 “for personal reasons.” Deströyer 666 announced a 2016 full-length, Wildfire, which would be released on the 26th of February through Season Of Mist. Perra Karlsson of Heathendom Music was on drums. Deströyer 666 would release a new EP, called Call Of The Wild, on February 23rd 2018. Perra had left in 2017. Watain, which itself has faced accusations of racism, cemented the reputation by touring with Destroyer 666 (and Revenge) in the USA in 2018. When a venue cancelled the appearance of Destroyer 666 due to its alleged associations, Watain moved the concert to keep its opener on the bill. Destroyer 666 had posted online that, "Those #metoo cunts just need a hard cock." KK Warslut told a cheering audience at the DeathKult Open Air Festival in 2012, as the band's drummer hit the bass drums in support, "This one’s for all the Muslim immigrants that are invading. They’re invited to invade our fucking continents. Fuck you Allah! Yeah everyone’s busy being anti-Christian… fuck being anti-Christian, let’s be fucking anti-Muslim for once!" The band's tour of New Zealand and Australia was cancelled over the behaviour in 2019. Others have pointed out the KK has fascistic tattoos like a Wolfsangel on his belly.

Kev Desecrator joined on drums in 2020. He had been playing live for the band for several years. He is one of those drummers who does the rounds to maximize his income. Deströyer 666 was streaming a song called Guillotine in 2022, which was taken from the forthcoming Never Surrender album. The album was out through Season Of Mist in early December. Burn Records, which was run by Felipe Plaza Kutzbach, of Sweden pressed a Guillotine 7”. Six Songs With The Devil, the 1994 demo, was re-released on vinyl through Season Of Mist on June 23rd 2023. Bitter Scorn was a 7" in 2023. It contained another cover version. The band was booked for the USA for Metal Threat Fest 2024 for October.


There is a guy down in Australia called KK Warlust whose contribution to the world of metal has spanned two decades and so many releases that someone should already give him a metallic medal or something. Wimps have come, wimps have gone, wimps have wimped out, but this guy has remained true to the core as evidenced by the latest Deströyer 666 album, Defiance. Obviously, the title is a give-away, but it is still an infernal pleasure hearing death metal delivered in bestial lo-fi. With pedal to the metal, the album goes for the jugular that has been exposed over the years by such rubbish as Nightwish, Lacuna Coil, etc. The production is hardly state of the art and the last track, A Sermon To The Dead, compromises the band’s reliability and hence loses the album ten marks with its mix of clean and dirty vocals, but the rest of this sinful record is nectar from hell. Favourite track A Thousand Plagues encapsulates the band’s approach with its speed, brutality, heavy use of guitars and frenzied soloing. Human All Too Human (Anaal Nathrakh?) begins with a doomy disposition before launching into bombast.
Here at Metallian Towers we like to separate the wheat from the chaff, which is where Deströyer 666 and the aforementioned opera rock clowns come into play. - Ali “The Metallian”


Destroyer 666