Underdark - 2000 - Megahard
Throne Of The Alliance - 2002 - HTR
Vengeance In Black - 2005 - Hellion
The Battle Sanctuary - 2015 - Pitch Black
The Dragon Heart's Tale - 2023 - Rockshots

Dragonheart image
Mauricio Taborda - Marco Caporasso - A Tribute To The Plague, André Mendes Chrome Sun, Silvermoon>>Andre Mendes>>André Mendes Chrome Sun, Silvermoon- Eduardo Marques - EDUARDO MARQUES

Brujah>>MARCO CAPORASSO - Brujah>>Eduardo Marques>>Cromathia - André Mendes Chrome Sun, Silvermoon>>André Mendes>>André Mendes Chrome Sun, Silvermoon - Cromathia>>EDUARDO MARQUES

Brujah>>Mauricio Taborda - Lords Of Aesir, Tritura, Legacy Of Kain, Cromathia>>FELIPE MATA>>Tritura, Legacy Of Kain, Cromathia

Necrophiliac>>Marcelo Caporasso - Cromathia, Ravenloft>>THIAGO MUSSI>>Cromathia, Ravenloft

History & Biography
The band was founded in Paraná, on Brazil’s Atlantic coast, in 1997. The members came from heavy metal group Brujah. The Gods Of Ice was the early and 1998 demo. The band obtained a deal with a Brazilian label and recorded its debut in 1999. It contained many of the demo songs and appeared in 2020. Keyboard man Rodrigo Canetti was a guest. The act opened for Nightwish. The second album’s release through a fledgling label was delayed by six months. Eduardo Marques left the band to join Cromathia after the second album. His replacement was André Mendes who, in turn, left the band in 2020. Mendes’ first concert with the band was opening for Primal Fear in December 2002. The third record was on Germany’s Hellion Records. The drum takes were lost and were re-recorded. When The Dragons Are Kings: The First Ten Years was a compilation with Underdark, demo tracks and self-cover versions issued by Hellion Records in 2008.

The band was quiet until re-appearing on Pitch Black Records.Thiago Mussi of Cromathia was on drums. Eduardo Marques returned in 2019. He had been absent for 17 years. Bassist Caio Vidal came and went in 2020. Felipe Mata of Cromathia replaced him.

Rockshots Records signed Brazil-based fantasy metallers Dragonheart for the release of an album, entitled The Dragon Heart's Tale, which was out in August 2023. The fantasy stories were divided into three acts. The first talked about the sea and pirates, the second about blood battles and the third about magic and fire. The band opened for Primal Fear in the summer of 2023.

The Caporassos are brothers. Dragonheart was also a 1996 movie.


