History & Biography This Los Angeles band formed in 2005 and issued a self-titled demo. The band signed with Nuclear Blast Records and issued an album two years later. A tour with Edguy followed. Boucher hailed from Canada. Consequently, the band signed up with Riot Rock Management that ran the show for Lacuna Coil. In late 2008, the band entered the studio in order to record the follow-up to The Forgotten Goddess for Nuclear Blast Records. It was produced and mixed by ex-Machine Head guitarist Logan Mader.
The group signed to Massacre Records for the European territory for the release of its second album, As Shadows Burn. The band was still with Nuclear Blast for America. The new album featured Bryan Eagle on guitar who had replaced Sam Young. The latter had replaced Urias. Echoes Of Eternity and Hammerfall were touring the USA in March and April of 2010. Echoes Of Eternity was taking over for the second leg of the tour. The band went on hiatus in 2013 and returned after a couple of years claiming a third album is in the works. Duane left.
The band began crowdfunding a new demo in 2015. Instead, a digital demo called Ageless appeared in 2019. It featured a Metallian Towers’ maiden on its cover and came with guest bass work by High Risk's Michael Canales. The band became inactive again.
The publicity department for Nuclear Blast takes advantage of the album’s name and the female singer to push the front girl, one Francine Boucher, as a “goddess.” The strategy is wise for, given a general lack of feeling and enthusiasm in the music, pushing the feminine viles of Ms. Boucher is the only thing to do. In fact, the thought that occurs to the reviewer during each listen to The Forgotten Goddess is how the band must have been picked up for the sex appeal angle. Let us be honest.
Oddly enough, Echoes Of Eternity delivers a fairly competent version of US metal with similarities to Iced Earth. The music is without flair and generally workmanlike, but the structure and influences are sound. The snag, if one can call the vocals that given their importance in such a context, is the 'singing' of Francine. More akin to spoken word, Boucher’s vocals are in reality an anti-rhythmic series of words without regard to power or feeling. The reason why becomes clear on the rare occasion that the singer attempts to actually sing or raise her pitch. Her vocals are as flat as pita bread and her addition of French lyrics in the title track help matters little. The whole affair is boring beyond measure and a tribute to the power of the subconscious. How else would one explain the prophetic choice of the album’s title? - Ali “The Metallian”