History & Biography The band was founded in 2004, did nothing, died, returned and issued Promo 2012. Trail Of Maggots was the name of the 2013 demo, which featured the same songs as the promo and more. Bass player Andy Hucher departed in 2016. Sexually Offensive marked the cooperation between the inbreds and Horror Pain Gore Death.
Elbow Deep and The Mentors had a split release through Horror Pain Gore Death Productions in 2018. It was called Trash Party. It featured the ugliest collection of white trash on its cover since that year’s Republican National Convention.
Horror Pain Gore Death was issuing Elbow Deep’s Homeschool Shooter album in May 2022. The band was described as similar to Macabre and GG Allin. The band was playing with The Mentors again and playing around the USofA including at the Cannibal Cookout Jamboree.
The band is liable to perform bleeding, with masochism, a barbed wire bat and in its underwear (sadism).