Inside The Unreal - 1993 - Rosemary's Baby
Metaphysincarnation - 2014 - Goregorecords
Psychonolatry – 2019 - Goregorerecords

Electrocution image
Pay For Pleasure>>MICK MONTAGUTI>>Pay For Pleasure

Addiction>>Alex Guadagnoli>>Addiction - MICK MONTAGUTI – Animalator, Furere, Lehmann, Neurasthenia>>NEIL GROTTI>>Lehmann, Neurasthenia - ALESSIO TERZI

Kink, Idols Are Dead>>Max Canali>>Kink, Idols Are Dead – Kreas, Mourn In Silence, Neurasthenia, Blaze Bayley, Lehmann>>MATTEO GRAZZINI>>Neurasthenia, Blaze Bayley, Lehmann

Idols Are Dead>>Luca Canali>>Idols Are Dead – Kreas, Dark Secret, Neurasthenia, Stillness' Blade>>VELLACIFER [FRANCESCO VELLA]>>Stillness' Blade

History & Biography
These Italians were formed in 1991 by Mick Montaguti and Alex Guadagnoli.

After releasing the debut, the band opened for Carcass and Benediction among others. They followed this up with a mini-CD entitled Acid But Suckable. The band also attended L.A.'s Foundations Forum on 1996, but soon split up.

Alex Guadagnoli later auditioned for the vacated slot of Max Cavalera in Sepultura. Addiction featured Andrea Zanetti, formerly of Schizo. The label's name was an obvious reference to the movie of the same name by Polanski. Canali reappeared in Idols Are Dead many years later. Goregorecords, the death metal sub-label of Aural Music, was re-releasing the long-time sold out album Inside The Unreal from Italy’s Electrocution in 2012. To commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the original release, the members of the band gathered to work on the limited edition and remastered digipak. The reunited Italian death metal band had a new 2014 album called Metaphysincarnation through Goregorecords. It was now over twenty years since the 1993 debut, Inside The Unreal. The new album was produced by guitarist-producer Alex Guadagnoli at The Strands Studio in Los Angeles and included eleven new songs. The band’s Psychonolatry album was out through Goregorecords on 08.02.2019. There were four new members in the act.


