Members Vocals Die Toten Astronauten, Morschen, Nebeltod, Traumtod>>J [JÖRN HERMANN]>>Die Toten Astronauten>>Die Toten Astronauten, Morschen, Nebeltod, TraumtodGuitar Nebeltod, Pestfeld, Rabensumpf, Cirkulär Slagfält, Centuries Of Cruel Slaying, Lamafaust, Abandoned Gloom, Cancer Of The Larynx, Waldseel, Undead Corpse>>C [CARSTEN]>>Lamafaust, Abandoned Gloom, Cancer Of The Larynx, Waldseel, Undead Corpse, Erstarren, Indre MørkeBass Nebeltod, Pestfeld, Rabensumpf, Cirkulär Slagfält, Centuries Of Cruel Slaying, Lamafaust, Abandoned Gloom, Cancer Of The Larynx, Waldseel, Undead Corpse>>C [CARSTEN]>>Lamafaust, Abandoned Gloom, Cancer Of The Larynx, Waldseel, Undead CorpseDrum Die Toten Astronauten, Morschen, Nebeltod>>J [JÖRN HERMANN]>>Die Toten Astronauten>>Die Toten Astronauten, Morschen, Nebeltod |