Our Cursed Rapture – 2009 - Sumerian
Adversary Omnipotent – 2017 - The Artisan Era

Enfold Darkness image
Justin Corser – Abysmal Dawn, Isolation In Infamy>>ANDY NELSON>>Isolation In Infamy

Mike Low>>Inferi, Oubliette – Inferi>>Matt Brown>>Inferi, Demon King, Visitant – Cannibisis>>ELIJAH WHITEHEAD>>Cannibisis - Hobb's End>>JAMES TURK

Hobb's End, Chaos Moon>>James Turk>>Chaos Moon, Oubliette, Demon King - Garotte>>Todd Honeycutt>>Garotte

Manetheren, Soul Reclusion, Accursed Aeons, Inferi, Chaos Moon, Vital Remains, Esoterica, Lithotome>>Jack Blackburn [Jackson Blackburn]>>Accursed Aeons, Inferi, Chaos moon, Vital Remains, Esoterica, Lithotome, Demon King, Skáphe, Entheogen, Guðveiki, Gardsghastr, Martröð, Nokturnal Maelstrom, Killitorous, Ringarë – Ominous Conception, Oubliette>>GREG VANCE>>Ominous Conception, Oubliette

History & Biography
The band was formed in 2005 and had a demo called Before The Final Reckoning in 2006. Singer Justin Corser left in tandem with the release of the first record in 2009. The act had found its way to Sumerian Records with help from Mike Keene of The Faceless for whom the band was opening. The band and Dying Fetus toured in 2009. There was the announcement of a tour with Pestilence and Vital Remains in 2010. The group announced a tour with Abysmal Dawn in 2015. Nashville, USA-based black/death metal band Enfold Darkness had an album called Adversary Omnipotent in 2017. It was out through The Artisan Era in July.

The band underwent monthly line-up changes. Moreover, Todd Honeycutt killed himself in 2017. He was 30. Several members temporarily regrouped in extreme act Demon King. Drummer Blackburn became a stool-for-hire. There was silence for several years, but the band uploaded a lyric video for the song The Sacred Daemonic, which was taken from the 2017 album, in 2024.



Enfold Darkness