History & Biography The capital city of Norway, Oslo, has a band called Execration too. It was formed in 2004 and issued a 2007 EP called Language Of The Dead. Vendlus issued the group’s full-length in the summer of 2008. PRC Music issued a single for the band in 2018.
Lest the album’s title gives anyone the impression of a lazy doom metal band or a stoner band with a sense of self-humour let us be clear that these Norwegians (yup, not lame so-called keyboard-ridden black metal either) play death metal pure and simple. The band is dark, underground and that goes both for the horrific music and the ultra-low vocals. The best and most pertinent comparison here would be Incantation. With both speed and heaviness present Syndicate Of Lethargy is a no-holds barred assault with titles like Fleshfire, Swarming Locusts and Voracious. The damned thing would rate a higher mark were it not for the album’s extreme closeness to Incantation. It has the atmosphere of an embrace with Satan. - Ali “The Metallian”