The Night's Plutonian Shore - 2001 - Unsung Heroes
The Untuning Of The Sky - 2002 - Unsung Heroes
What The Moon Brings - 2004 - Unsung Heroes
A Fever Which Would Cling To Thee Forever - 2006 - Paragon

Eyes Of Ligeia image
Lament Configuration, Amphigory, Nox Invictus, Sender Of Nightmares, Cross Sodomy>>DANTE [TOBY CHAPPELL]>>Lament Configuration, Amphigory, Nox Invictus, Sender Of Nightmares, Cross Sodomy - Legions Of Astaroth, Hellgoat>>Lycanthrian Demogorgon [Ashton Fremon]>>Legions Of Astaroth, Hellgoat

Lament Configuration, Amphigory, Nox Invictus, Sender Of Nightmares, Cross Sodomy>>DANTE [TOBY CHAPPELL]>>Lament Configuration, Amphigory, Nox Invictus, Sender Of Nightmares, Cross Sodomy

Legions Of Astaroth, Lament Configuration, Crimson Moon, Demoncy, Vasaeleth>>Karnivean A'Ano'nin Occaxial>>Legions Of Astaroth, Lament Configuration, Crimson Moon, Demoncy, Vasaeleth

Legions Of Astaroth, Hellgoat, Lament Configuration>>Amon Demogorgon [Joshua Fremon]>>Legions Of Astaroth, Hellgoat, Lament Configuration, Demonic Christ, Demonic Christ, Overwhelmed, Vimur

History & Biography
Eyes Of Ligeia was initiated as the solo doom project of Dante a.k.a Toby Chappell in Rosewell, Georgia, USA in 1998. Several demos, including A Dirge For The Most Lovely Dead, were issued. During this period, the solo band understandably featured drum machines. Beginning with The Untuning Of The Sky the band began to feature live musicians which culminated into a full-fledged line-up for 2006’s A Fever Which Would Cling To Thee Forever. The band decided to call it a day after nine years of existence in early 2007. The act became quiet until the 2015 demo The Sidereal Messenger, which was only preceded by the The Sidereal Messenger Demo sampler. The returning act was a solo project again.
Dante also had several side-projects behind him, which featured fellow Eyes Of Ligeia members. The Fremons are brothers. Joshua was married to Dana Duffey of Demonic Christ in which he played.


Eyes Of Ligeia is so underground that the band might call the earth’s core its home. Playing a mixture of doom and evil nihilistic metal won’t exactly get one invited to the halls of Rock’n Roll Hall Of fame, but thank goodness for that because who needs more sell-out commercial mainstream drivel? The vocals are not exactly presented in abundance throughout this album, but what the listener does get is agonized and painful. The music, in league with the devil, delivers sounds so at odds with pedestrian mainstream goodness that one can only bow before the band’s power. That though is the band’s enigma. The intensity and force is seemingly delivered with little effort. This is not exactly fast or full of power chords. Instead, the Americans cruise into demonic triumph as though on Pluto time. The band is compared to Burzum, which should be offensive to the band for these guys are way ahead of that poser. - Anna Tergel


Eyes Of Ligeia