History & Biography This Montreal area band was initially formed in 1990 to play thrash metal. Their tapes Here Down To Earth (1991) and The Green God (1992) were heavier but 1994's Revolt established the band's new groovecore sound. Do We Disturb? continued the streak of humour but the band soon broke up.
Clifford and Knup play in a System Of A Down cover band called Tribute Of A Down beginning 2002. Knup was also producing Vantablack Warship.
Fans Of Prong, Metallica and Francophone country music listen up! Mixing elements of the above-mentioned explicitly and adding the obligatory dosage of silliness are Foreshadow whose demo tape is thrash metal and all of the above. Patrick Loisel, Petrie Pierre, Patrick Knup and Kurtis Clifford are good musicians and the sound of the tape is on the money too. Having said that, with the viability of thrash fluctuating (except if you have the Pantera pose) one wishes Foreshadow luck and then some. c/o 6638 Henri-Juien, Montreal, Canada H2S 2V2. - Ali "The Metallian"