Goatsblood - 2000 - Rage Of Achilles
Drull - 2003 - Willowtip

Goatsblood image
BLAIR [BLAIR ASHTON-SMITH]>>Fuck Off!, Reikhkrieg, Radioactive Vomit

Grass City>>KURT DERNISKY>>Grass City

Ten Miles Wide, Lownote>>MIKE>>Ten Miles Wide, Lownote

3 Inches Of Blood>>MATT WOOD>>3 Inches Of Blood, Beard, Congress, Pride Tiger, Bison, Haggatha, Worse

SMAQu-2, Almost Transparent Blue, Black mountain>>MASA ANZAI [MASAYOSHI ANZAI]>>Black Mountain, Swanvista, The Death Rays, Tony Wilson 6Tet, Lownote, Bison

History & Biography
Goatsblood was a Vancouver-based sludgecore band. The band's debut was released in 2000. A US tour in the middle of 2001 was cut short when the band's van lost its engine.
The follow-up was three years in the coming and finally hit the stores in the autumn of 2003. Drull was recorded by Steve Austin of Today Is The Dead, a band with which Goatsblood had toured before. Cacophonous re-released it a year later. The band assembled a number of live and unreleased songs and was looking for a label to release the material come 2004. There was a split single for Goatsblood and Suppression in 2004. The group disbanded in 2006 with second guitarist Adam Sorry having joined. Bent Window Records unearthed raw tracks and issued them as Detriment in 2022.


The new Goatsblood album sounds like four guys took the nastiest of the early Black Sabbath riffs, vomited over them and then slammed them against the wall with all the fury of men addicted to TV news. It is ugly stuff!
Drull is a heavy album which mixes Eyehategod with Converge and Dystopia. This is sludgecore at its finest. The disharmonic feedback, blasting and screaming are angry, hateful and downright ugly. The core of the material is ploddingly slow, but the band can and does kick into high gear. What a mess/great album! - Ali "The Metallian"

