Dismal Gleams Of Desolation - 1992 - Adipocere
The Tide Has Turned - 1995 - Adipocere

Godforsaken image
Mika Hankaniemi>>G.G. Spirit, Supreme Havoc, Funeral Planet, Deathmarched - G.G. Spirit, Funeral Planet, Deathmarched, Supreme Havoc>>MIKA HANKANEIMI>>Supreme Havoc

Cryptic, Deathmarched>>HANNU KUJANEN>>Deathmarched

Funeral Planet, Vinum Sabbatum>>Juha Koykka>>Funeral Planet, Vinum Sabbatum

Juha Pohto>>G.G. Spirit, Veristi, Deathmarched, Funeral Planet - G.G. Spirit, Veristi, Deathmarched, Funeral Planet>>Juha Pohto

History & Biography
The band was formed as Putrid in December of 1990 before quickly changing its monicker and moving away from gore metal. This Finnish band got its start on Adipocere Records of France with its death/doom metal. The old monicker had previously used 1991 to release the Exhumation demo and the God Forsaken 7". The group brought on second guitarist Olli Kajander in order to garner more leads and make the sound fuller. He would not last and would be drafted into the army.

Singer Mika was forced to leave after the debut because of hearing problems. The band toured Europe with Pyogenesis and Anathema and featured Mythos drummer Teemu Hautaniemi for a while in the absence of Pohto. When Koykka and Pohto left (the latter for the second time) the band came to an end.

That wasn't the end through. In the spring of 2000 God Forsaken was resurrected. The band's new line-up featured the old one minus the bassist and added a second guitarist. In 2002 the band released a CD demo called Electric Release. This recording featured bassist Mika Pajula and guitarist second Kai Saarela. The act disbanded again. A couple of members ended up in Deathmarched.

The band was then back in 2020. Mika Aalto bassist for ... And Oceans and Rotten Sound joined in 2021. Juha Köykkä had lasted one year after the reformation. The band was booked for the Helsinki Death Fest (with Corpsessed, Benediction, Cancer and others) and Kill-Town Death Fest in 2023.


