Chaos Supreme – 2000 - Sacral
By This, I Conquer – 2002 - Dysphorie
Contemptus Mundi – 2008 – Season Of Mist
The Hierarch – 2015 - Season Of Mist
Sidereus Nuncius – 2021 - Les Acteurs de l'Ombre

Hegemon image
Your Shapeless Beauty>>N>>Your Shapeless Beauty

Brutal Rebirth, Diamond Eyed Princess, Bloodshed>>DARKHYRYS [PATRICK GUIRAUD]>>Diamond Eyed Princess, Bloodshed, Brutal Rebirth – Gholes, Dark-N, Reaching Nothingness>>F. [FRÉDÉRIC MARTIN]>>Reaching Nothingness

Diamond Eyed Princess >>A.>>Diamond Eyed Princess

Mütiilation, Zoldier Noiz>>Krzys [Kriss Auvenant]>>Mütiilation, Zoldier Noiz - AD.

History & Biography
The Montpellier-based band was formed in 1996 and issued the provocatively titled Rape the Banner of Light in 1997. A year later the still young band issued Still Raping After All These Years through France’s Chanteloup Creations. The French firm Sacral signed the band and in 2000 issued the group’s first album, Chaos Supreme. By This, I Conquer followed two years later. After a five-year hiatus the band returned with a 2007 demo called Nêreb Ersetim. Season Of Mist took the bite. The French black metal band was issuing a 2015 album called The Hierarch through Season Of Mist on the 13th of November. It came seven years after the band’s last.

Sidereus Nuncius followed its predecessor by six years and was on a new label. The act appeared at Ladlo Fest II in May 2022. The show was a showcase for its label. Drummer AD was experiencing health problems and the band hired a live session drummer in mid-2022. The band, Otargos and Supplices announced a concert for 2023.


