History & Biography The band was founded in 2015 and signed by AGR in 2017. The label also signed Final Cut, which featured former members of Freund Hein, which were also present here. The only release hitherto was a 2015 demo. The album was out early 2018. Hombre was AWOL. The gang joined Vader and Entombed A.D. on tour through Europe in 2018. The band opened for Debauchery, alongside label-mates Deathtale, in 2021. Bassist Rene left in 2022. The band was seeking a new member.
The band is simply called Hellavista occasionally.
Reviews HELLAVISTA ASOCIAL CLUB – ROBOLUTION – ART GATES Robolution is an album that is growing on me and sounds better with each subsequent hearing. One finds new and likable elements within its grooves each time. The improved experience, however, partly is because it sounded dire to begin with. The thrash metal seemed both derivative, and not in a good way, and dated.
The title track begins the album and is one of the worst tracks on offer. The negative elements above are all included. The vocals switch between gruff and growling. Stephen Hawking is gone, but the Hellavista members are here to convey their caution and warning against robots and artificial technology. The song is boring and below average. Hellevator follows and is a much better song. It begins with a guitar tapping passage reminiscent of Screaming For Vengeance. It picks up the tempo, is better arranged and the lead guitarist shows up and designates himself the group’s most useful member. By now, it is obvious that the quintet is inspired by sounds from late DRI, Tankard and Nuclear Assault. Breed Of Evil is subpar, but Dark Redeemer is again better and hints at Megadeth. This band used to have a full-time piano player. It looks like the band has shown him the door. Unfortunately, Attack of The Demons has loads of organs on it and sounds like a bad Deep Purple song on speed with some hillbilly from Pantera singing. The only attacking the demons would be doing is for the exit sign and the parking lot. Screwdriving Away is rescued from mediocrity by the accomplished solos – yes more than one. One of the things that brings this Austria-based band down is the pattern of repetitive weak riffs. This is on full display on Son Of Satan (either a reference to Running Wild or Heinz-Christian Strache).
Robolution is trying and the thematic and serious lyrics, the lead guitarist and general instrumentation are proof of that. The band really needs to work harder at creating better and more powerful riffs and melodies if it is to live to tell the tale. – Ali “The Metallian”