The Existing Realms Of Perpetual Sorrow - 2002 - Horns Up
The Monoliths Of Cursed Slumber – 2022 – Blood Harvest

Hibernus Mortis image
Acrimonium>>Adam Fleury>>Spiritus Infernus – Koroidia, Down Infierno>>RALF VARELA>>Koroidia, Down Infierno - CESAR PLACERES

Hateplow>>Doug Humlack>>Hateplow, Spiritus Infernus - Koroidia>>RALF VALERA>>Koroidia – Hate Eternal, Gigan, Orbweaver, Kult Ov Azazel>>RANDY PIRO>>Orbweaver

Yasser Morales>>Koroidia, Hexorcist - Acrimonium, Hateplow, Consular, Tomb>>DAVID MILLER>>Consular, Tomb – Koroidia, Hexorcist>>YASSER MORALES>>Hexorcist

Acrimonium, Murder 101, Thrash Or Die>>CESAR PLACERES>>Murder 101, Thrash Or Die

History & Biography
The Florida, USA-based band was first heard of through the 1998 demo Into The Thresholds Of Dead Winter. The band was actually formed by Cesar and Ralf three years earlier. The band issued The Existing Realms Of Perpetual Sorrow independently and later had it reissued through the American upstart Horns Up label. The death metal act opened for the likes of Morbid Angel and Mayhem.

Murder 101 was a new band featuring Jason Blachowicz (formerly Malevolent Creation) on bass and drummer Cesar Placeres and formed in late 2004. Hibernus Mortis did play shows sporadically until 2005. Hibernus Mortis was buried for years. Koroidia featured two of the members and had a third (Cesar) help with production. The group reformed in 2011 and began sporadically playing live. Doug Humlack died in 2020.

Florida, USA-based Hibernus Mortis was back with a song called Enshrined In Spiritual Atrophy in 2022. It was taken from The Monoliths Of Cursed Slumber album, which was released through Blood Harvest Records in November. Yasser Morales had rejoined. The band played a solitary concert at the beginning of 2023 with Monstrosity, Vacuous Depths, Virulence and Beastplague.



Hibernus Mortis