Annihilate… Then Ask! – 2017 - Xtreem
Fist To Face – 2020 - Xtreem
Towards Idiocracy - 2024 - Xtreem

Holycide image
Anaëmia, Christ Denied, Putrevore, Rotten, Golgotha, Famishgod, Decrapted, Yskelgroth>>DAVE ROTTEN [DAVID SANCHEZ GONZALEZ]>>Anaëmia, Christ Denied, Putrevore, Rotten, Famishgod, Decrapted, Yskelgroth

No Fate, Inntrance, Avulsed, Famishgod, Caedis>>Miguel Bárez>>No Fate, Inntrance, Famishgod, Caedis – Charontid>>SALVA ESTEBAN>>Charontid - Archantia, Scandelion, The Hole>>ANCOR RAMIREZSANTANA

Inntrance, Dark Moor, The Clockwork, Violent Eve, Famishgod>>Dani Fernandez>>Dark Moor, The Clockwork, Violent Eve, Famishgod - Unbounded Terror, Golgotha, Unwom, Amon The Sign, Sons Of Cult, Shock Wave, Decrapted, Bis•nte>>VICENTE J PAYA>>Unbounded Terror, Golgotha, Unwom, Amon The Sign, Sons Of Cult, Decrapted, Bis•nte

Avulsed, Famishgod>>Jorge Utrera>>Avulsed, Famishgod - Ancor Ramírez Santana - Inania Regna, Infected Plague, Brutality, Endernity, Avulsed>>GOG [SANTIAGO GARCIA ARROYO]>>Inania Regna, Infected Plague, Brutality, Endernity, Avulsed

History & Biography
The thrash metal band came together in 2004. No Escape was a 2013 demo. Spain-based thrash metal band Holycide, led by Dave Rotten of Avulsed, had an album entitled Fist To Face. The cover art had been crafted by Akirant Illustration, known for being one of the current artists working with Iron Maiden. This new album would be released on February 14th, 2020 through Xtreem Music, which is owned by Dave.

Bassist Dani Fernández left the band and was replaced by his predecessor Vicente J. Payá in 2022. Holycide was playing two concerts in Madrid and Valencia to support the Fist To Face album in September 2022. Holycide was releasing a series of 10 videos for its Fist To Face album. One was called The Aftermath and was a Recipients Of Death cover version. Fist To Face was released in 2020. Guitarist Miguel Bárez left in 2023. Ancor Ramírez Santana replaced him. Drummer Jorge Utrera left as well. GoG came in. The drummer had also joined Avulsed. A 2023 EP was called Bazookiller and addressed the attack on Ukraine by Putin and Russia. Holycide had an album called Towards Idiocracy through Xtreem Music on June 6th 2024. It was mixed and mastered by Javier Fernández Milla (Angelus Apatrida, Avulsed, etc.) and Davide Billia (Posthuman Abomination, Beheaded, etc).

Judging by the musicians involved and the folks who work with the band in the studio and more Holycide and Avulsed are different sides of the same coin.


