Ashes Of Dead Worlds – 2021 - Comatose

In Asymmetry image
The Kennedy Veil, Inanimate Existence, Aparia, The Faceless, A Divinis>>TAYLOR WIENTJES>>A Divinis

Esophagus, Indoctrinated, Supreme Banishment, First Degree Murder, Wounds Of Christ, Solemnity, Undying Deity>>VICTOR ARANEDA>>Esophagus, Indoctrinated, Supreme Banishment, First Degree Murder, Wounds Of Christ, Solemnity, Undying Deity

Khariot, Obscenium, The Ritual Aura, Suffer In Rot, Necromancer, The Uncreation, Lamentia, Vestigial>>DARREN JOY>>Necromancer, The Uncreation, The Ritual Aura, Lamentia, Vestigial

Goratory, Embers From Cremation, Arsis, Pillory, Virulence, Strappado, Burn In Silence, Eschaton, Cytolysis, Deeds Of Flesh, Blasphemer, Serpent Of Gnosis, Incinerate, Vile>>DARREN CESCA>>Goratory, Pillory, Eschaton, Cytolysis, Deeds Of Flesh, Serpent Of Gnosis, Incinerate, Vile

History & Biography
This Chile-based band was founded in 2017. The band shed half a dozen members even before its debut album. One drummer had a reputation for spending no more than 3 weeks in any given band and was working on finding new bands he could join every week. The musicians who replaced him were no better.

In Asymmetry featured current and ex-members of Deeds Of Flesh, The Faceless, Goratory and Inanimate Existence and was following up its 2019 demo, Edge Of Divergence, with a debut album called Ashes Of Dead Worlds through Comatose Music in 2021. The members moved on to other gigs immediately.



In Asymmetry