In Battle - 1997 - Napalm
The Rage Of The Northmen - 1998 - Napalm
Welcome To The Battlefield - 2004 - Cold
Kingdom Of Fear - 2007 - Nocturnal Art

In Battle image
Abyssos, Inhuman, Norrsken, Odhinn, Unchained2000, Valkyria, Norrsken>>JOHN ODHINN SANDIN>>Norrsken, Abyssos, Inhuman, Norrsken, Odhinn, Unchained2000, Valkyria, Horde Of Hel

Setherial>>Håkan Sjödin>>Blackwinds, The Bloodline, Diabolicum, Helvete, Setherial - Odhinn, Norrsken>>John Frölén>>Norrsken - God Among Insects, Sanctification>>Tomas Elofsson>>God Among Insects, Sanctification, Hypocrisy - Diabolical, Odhinn, Valkyria>>HASSE KARLSSON>>Diabolical, Odhinn, Valkyria, Horde Of Hel

Souldrainer, Sanctification>>Marcus Edvardsson>>Souldrainer, Sanctification, Aeon - Odhinn, Norrsken>>JOHN FRÖLEN>>Norrsken, Eldkraft

Otto Wiklund>>Odhinn, Setherial - Chastisement, Odhinn, Sanctification, Aeon, Souldrainer>>NILS FJÄLLSTRÖM>>Chastisement, Odhinn, Sanctification, Aeon, Eldkraft, Souldrainer, Myrkskog, 1349, Odium, Nordjevel

History & Biography
Sundsvall's In Battle came together in 1996. A demo was recorded in the same year. In accordance with the Swedish constitution all members were also wife swapping with at least half a dozen other bands. Sjödin would leave after the debut to concentrate on Setherial. The band's debut was recorded at Sunlight studio in April, 1997 and was mixed and engineered by Fred Estby. The Rage Of The Northmen was recorded at Ballerina Studio. It was produced by Nils Johansson. The band issued an EP called Soul Metamorphosis through Imperial Dawn records in 2004 prior to Welcome To The Battlefield. For the third album the band proceeded to the USA to swim in the Florida heat and work with Erik Rutan. The band and Cold records parted ways in the spring of 2005. That same season the band and Behemoth toured Europe. Former drummer Otto Wiklund ended his miserable existence on August 13th of 2006. The band postponed the release date of its fourth album, Kingdom Of Fear to August 27th through Nocturnal Art Productions. The album was also a tribute to the band’s deceased ex-drummer Otto Wiklund who died last summer.



In Battle