History & Biography This keyboard-oriented band was founded in Athens, Greece by Mr. Night in 2008. An immediate demo was called Πενθοσ. Phenomenon came in 2011. Another demo in 2012 preceded the album of 2016 and singer CoproJunkie left. The band’s Divine Plague release was issued independently in 2020. Iskald Sjel was a 2023 demo.
The band terms itself “Hellenic black metal.”
Reviews INHIBITIONS – LA DANSE MACABRE – SATANATH  How bad is this album? It is as bad as the title is clichéd. The guitars remind one of the buzzing sounds of aimless bees. The vocalist growls as if he has something profound to say, but we all know that a 'metal' band with keyboards, sorry me no kewl, I meant synths, cannot be taken seriously. The drum machine has all the munch of the last remaining tooth of a Trump supporter chewing on tobacco and the production... the production is straight from the school of 'Burzum demo circa 1992.' To completely prove the band's penchant for clichés and lack of distinction the album ends with a cover version. This reviewer stayed awake long enough to notice the haunting artwork, hear the aforementioned growling, some speed on a track like My Journey To Death and an average solo on Back To The Dust to be able to accord the album a rating of 30/100. - Ali "The Metallian"
The duo's album starts off with the raw sounding Deadly Silence. The start is mid paced but picks up the pace before moving back and forth between the two. The song and sound can be characterized as 90s black metal type. The old school feel is stronger in The Dream Of Death. The production and Pain's vocals are reminiscent of many black metal bands. Spirits Of Evil and its cliche title perhaps limit the potential of the song, the band and the song itself do not offer originality points but the band do well not to roam into non-metal realms as can be the tendency of many such bands. The perhaps even more old school When The Hope Is Gone talks of a dark heart that will bring pain and destruction. It offers somewhat of a mixed message. Voices Inside goes full gloom and nihilistic. The pace doesn't necessarily match the lyrics as the song does have fast sections. The Final Pain reads like a depressing tale of torment, darkness and nightmares. Much like the song before it Pain and Dimon's Night's presumed attempt at matching the lyrics to the music is not exactly convincing. The title track mixes Greek with English lyrics and the song after it, Κανεις σας δε θα μεινει ζωντανος (None Of You Will Be Left Alive), features fully Greek lyrics. Musically, the latter song delves into the melancholic. Phenomenon closes the album with a standard mid-paced black metal song. Originality is, as always, rare and is not Inhibitions' strength either. – Anna Tergel