Members Vocals Hatred, Demiurgon, Xenofaction>>STEFANO BORCIANI>>Demiurgon, XenofactionGuitar Devouring Hatred, Five Hundred Murders, Palingenesys, Bloodtruth, Equivoke, Orve, Vomit The Soul>>STEFANO ROSSI CIUCCI>>Bloodtruth, Equivoke, Orve, Vomit The SoulBass Forhekset, Hellraiser, Bloodtruth>>RICCARDO ROGARI>>Forhekset, BloodtruthDrum Dying Fetus, Decrepit Birth, Knuckle Deep, Nothengal, M.O.D., Chimaira, Grot, Dååth, Feared, Wretched Pain, Six Feet Under, Suffocation, Sylencer, Battlecross, Stardown, 13 Dead, Embrace The Dawn, Martyred, Busted Guts, Horror Of Horrors, The Bastard Within, Relentless Consumption, Criminal Element>>Kevin Talley>>Nothengal, Dååth, Feared, Grot, Martyred, Sylencer, Horror Of Horrors, The Bastard Within, Embrace The Dawn, 13 Dead, Busted Guts, Empires Of Euphrates, Relentless Consumption, Criminal Element |