Worse Than Dead – 2013 - A389
The Tyranny Of Will – 2014 - Relapse
Crossover Ministry – 2017 - Relapse

Iron Reagan image
Municipal Waste>>TONY FORESTA>>Municipal Waste

Municipal Waste, Cannabis Corpse, Volture>>LAND PHIL [PHILIP KYLE HALL]>>Municipal Waste, Cannabis Corpse – ANS, Mammoth Grinder>>MARK BRONZINO>>ANS, Mammoth Grinder

Darkest Hour>>Paul Burnette – Hellbear, Occultist>>Rob Skotis>>Hellbear, Occultist

Suppression, Years, Darkest Hour, Disinterment, Mammoth Grinder>>RYAN PARRISH>>Suppression, Years, Mammoth Grinder

History & Biography
Relapse Records signed Richmond, Virginia crossover group, Iron Reagan in 2014. A new record was due that autumn. The Side-project of Municipal Waste and Darkest Hour members was formed in 2012. A Demo 2012 was followed by a full-length called Worse Than Dead courtesy of A389 Recordings. Exhumed, Dying Fetus and Iron Reagan toured together at the end of 2013. Iron Reagan was touring the USA in April of 2014. The band was touring first with the Occultist and then with Ghoul and Occultist as part of the Weapons Of Mosh Destruction II tour. Tankcrimes Records issued a split with Exhumer to start 2014. Dark Days Ahead was a 2018 EP. Sacred Reich, Iron Reagan, Leeway and Enforced would tour North America in May 2019. The group parted ways with bassist Rob Skotis for allegedly taking sexual advantage of women on tour and at his club.



Iron Reagan