Menschemühle – 2021 - Avantgarde
Live At Dark Easter Metal Meeting - 2023 - Noisebringer

Kanonenfieber image
Non Est Deus, Leiþa>>NOISE>>Non Est Deus, Leiþa




History & Biography
Avantgarde was re-issuing Kanonenfieber’s Menschemühle (‘Human trash’) demo, which was issued on the band’s Noisebringer imprint, on vinyl later in 2021. The demo and record commemorated the dead of World War I. The lyrical topic of Menschenmühle was based on factual reports, letters and other documents from the surviving and deceased soldiers. The album was written, recorded and produced by Kanonenfieber at the Noisebringer studio from September 2020 to January 2021. Live At Dark Easter Metal Meeting was both a CD and a DVD in 2023. Then Avantgarde issued the U​-​Bootsmann single in December 2023.

Amon Amarth, Insomnium and the act announced a European tour for the summer of 2024. The band announced a new album would be forthcoming in 2024 and there would be an album release show at the Herbstoffensive promoted by Party.San Metal Open Air in September.

The band’s monicker translates to ‘Canon Fever.’ The masked band was founded in 2020 and utilized concert musicians including Sickfried who was a repeat collaborator including in Non Est Deus.


