Kenny McGee - 2002 - Metal Mayhem

Kenny McGee image
The Naked School Girls, Heartless, Julliet>>KENNY MCGEE>>The Naked School Girls, Heartless, Julliet

The Naked School Girls, Heartless, Julliet>>KENNY MCGEE>>The Naked School Girls, Heartless, Julliet



History & Biography
Kenny McGee is an American hard rocker and wrestler who went on a limb and issued solo material. Kenny was originally from Florida, but later relocated to Los Angeles.


Boy it gets confusing. Florida glam singer McGee's new album seems actually to be more of a compilation of older material than a bona fide current CD. The biography omits mentioning whether some of this stuff was written as early as the 80's when McGee fronted the glam act Julliet, but most of this stuff has seen release on the Lefty album from 1997. To make matters more confusing, Julliet has simultaneously a new album out on the market. Is that comprised of new material? We will have to look into it.
In the meanwhile, the music is what it's all about, right kiddo? Musically this material is beaming with confidence. This, and the diversity of material, might be a function of the time span from which the material hails. Massive amounts of harmony, up-tempo hard rock and balladry fill the fourteen songs. Imagine Great White devouring Cinderella, while powered by Tesla! And while we are on the subject of comparing bands, this reviewer's favourite song is the Skid Row-tinged Don't Ya Worry. Other influences are Poison as heard on Best Of Me and Dokken as heard on Witches Brew. There are one too many ballads on the album for my tastes, but the CD certainly has a certain class of its own. Kenny McGee has delivered a very smooth hard rock album taken as whole. - Ali "The Metallian"


Kenny McGee