Khanate - 2001 - Southern Lord
Things Viral - 2003 - Southern Lord
Capture & Release - 2005 - hydra Head
It's Cold When Birds Fall From The Sky - 2005 - Archive
Clean Hands Go Foul - 2009 - Hydra Head
To Be Cruel - 2023 - Sacred Bones

Khanate image
OLD, Shadowcast, Gnaw, Deathstench>>ALAN DUBIN>>Gnaw, Deathstench

Thorr’s Hammer, Burning Witch, Lotus Eaters, Suno))), Teeth Of Lions Rule The Divine, Äänipää, Æthenor>>STEPHEN O’MALLEY>>Suno))), Teeth Of Lions Rule The Divine, Äänipää, Æthenor

OLD, Regurgitation, Scorn, Phantomsmasher, Death Ambient, Lotus Eaters, Shadowcast, James Plotkin/Tim Wyskida, Jodis, Solo>>JAMES PLOTKIN>>James Plotkin/Tim Wyskida, Jodis, Solo

Blind Idiot God, James Plotkin/Tim Wyskida, Jodis>>TIM WYSKIDA>>Blind Idiot God, James Plotkin/Tim Wyskida, Jodis

History & Biography
Several scene veterans formed Khanate outside New York City in 2000 as a doom metal vehicle. O’Malley (co-founder of Southern Lord) and Plotkin encountered one another at an Isis concert. The band was fortunate in that it undertook both a European (dubbed It's Cold When Birds Fall From The Sky in the UK in Q4 2005) and an American tour. The act appeared at the WIRE Adventure in Music Festival in Chicago in 2006. A version of Clean Hands Go Foul included the footage as a bonus. The band officially disbanded in 2006 due to a lack of commitment and motivation. A DVD called Dead & Live Aktions was issued in 2005 through Hydrahead. A posthumous album was also promised.

The band did the ceremonial reformation in 2009. It disbanded in 2010. The next reformation was in 2017. To Be Cruel was issued in the middle of 2023. It had been in the works for years. This record contained three tracks lasting an hour. The band was booked for Roadburn Festival 2024, Basement Copenhagen and a third gig in Berlin Germany. These were returns to the stage for the band after a period of absence. There were reissues of Capture & Release and Clean Hands Go Foul through Sacred Bones Records on May 2024. Khanate announced its first North American concerts in 20 years for the spring of 2025 including Chicago, USA, New York (USA), as well as at the Prepare The Ground Festival in Toronto, Canada.


Things Viral is the second proper handiwork of Alan Dubin, Stephen O'Malley, James Plotkin and Tim Wyskida. Four songs totaling sixty minutes makes for something offbeat to say the least and Things Viral fulfills the role. This is music that would have made Osbourne, Iommi, Ward and Butler commit suicide had they heard it in 1970. It is grim. Things Viral is so grim that it is like taking the doomiest early Sabs' moments into the vortex where time has stood still. Slower than Winter and more excruciating than Goatsblood, Khanate let the note hang in the air long enough for it to rot from natural causes and eclipse it with vocals so tormented it could act like a napalm attack were it played in a sanitarium. Keep this out of the reach of all but the mentally very fit. - Ali "The Metallian"

