Blood Offerings – 2017 – Tankcrimes
Mortal – 2020 - Tankcrimes
Lifeless Birth - 2024 - Tankcrimes

Necrot image
Lawless>>LUCA INDRIO>>Lawless

Acephalix, Lawless, Pistons, Vastum>>LUCA INDRIO>>Acephalix, Lawless, Pistons, Vastum – Word Salad, Watch Them Die, Saviours, Scolex, Kids in Satan’s Service, Vorlust>>SONNY REINHARDT>>Watch Them Die, Saviours, Scolex, Kids in Satan’s Service, Vorlust

Infame, Lawless, Pistons, Vastum, Acephalix>>LUCA INDRIO>>Lawless, Pistons, Vastum, Acephalix

Caffa, Bruxers, Mortuous, Vastum, Atrament, Rude, Mortuous, Stormkeep, Phrenelith, Palace Of Worms, Scolex>>CHAD GAILEY>>Caffa, Bruxers, Mortuous, Vastum, Atrament, Rude, Mortuous, Stormkeep, Phrenelith, Palace Of Worms, Scolex

History & Biography
Founded in April of 2011 this band issued a self-titled demo in 2012 and another called Into The Labyrinth. The 2014 demo The Abyss lead to a compilation through Tankcrimes Records/Sentient Ruin Laboratories called The Labyrinth. The band was playing shows in the USA. The band issued a 2017 debut album called Blood Offerings. Undergang and Necrot were touring the USA. 783punx Tape Pizza boxset series issued the Mortal album by Bay Area death metal/punk trio Necrot in 2022. Recorded and originally released by Tankcrimes Records in 2020, the follow-up to the band’s Blood Offerings received the cassette treatment on 28.01.2022. Municipal Waste announced the Brainsqueeze Tour of North America with Ghoul, Necrot and Dead Heat in February 2024. Necrot released a full-length, called Lifeless Birth, through Tankcrimes on April 12th 2024. The band claimed the album was its “most aggressive” and uploaded an advance song called Cut The Cord. Following a tour called Brainsqueeze supporting Municipal Waste, Necrot announced a North American headlining tour called The Lifeless Birth Tour 2024. Opening were Street Tombs, Bat and Phobophilic on select dates. Street Tombs was on drummer Chad Gailey’s label, Carbonized. Necrot was supporting Cavalera on the Third World Trilogy USA tour.


