History & Biography How ridiculous is a South Korean band called Odin? It is nothing compared to a South Korean band that actually has guitars. They have those in South Korea apparently! The band was founded as a death metal unit before adopting more melody and folk music overtime.
Kim Min-Su founded the band in 1993 and the band adopted ‘new’ monicker in 1996. Demo 1997 lead to 1998’s The Eyes Of Tremendous Sorrow. Despite the title, the lyrics were in Hangul. The band had a 2000 EP called When All Memories Are Shattered. Fading Away Into The Grave Of Nothingness was released also by The End. A new album only came in 2021, which was 11 years following its predecessor. Jeong Young-Shin was gone. Lee Hee-Doo had returned. KIM DO-SU had made the band inactive between 2014 and 2020.
Kim Do-Su ran Jusin Productions. Ex and early bassist Min-Su Kim of Odin is Do-Su Kim's older brother. The band has had two-dozen members.
Nothing, absolutely nothing, better describes this band and its album than the album's title. This is so hideous that one feels embarrassed for the members and their relatives. Can you say mass suicide?
A Korean band ripping off the worst aspects of third generation poseur 'metal' of Dimmu Borgir and Cradle Of Filth is bad enough. The addition of other feeble-minded anti-metal elements like flute and Korean folk music to standard issue insults like female vocals and gothic whining all to the tune of a thin buzz of a guitar proves that Oriental sheep are as mindless as their Western counterparts.
Notice to Oathean fans! It's official. The band's new album will from now on be exclusively available at the children's section of your record store. - Ali "The Metallian"