History & Biography This crossover band picked up on the typical left leaning of hardcore band and existed between 1996 and 2017. Burning Star Records issued a compilation of the band, called Anthology, in 2007. Οι λύκοι δεν κοιμούνται ποτέ was a 2015 demo.
The band’s monicker is ‘Devastating Rift.’ The name stems from the monickers of the members’ former bands. Olethros was supposed to be an all-girl band, but this was unsuccessful.
Apparently this Greek band has three previous albums to its name and is a known outfit in its homeland. Regardless, the band is an unknown quantity at Metallian Towers, for the cover art and the album title immediately spell out the band's hardcore affiliation. This is in fact melodic crossover which even features some background keyboards. The band does throw in a couple of odd riffs here and there, but the over all sound and the drumming is straightforward enough. There are two singers in the band. The gruff vocals belong to the male singer who is roughly reminiscent of Max from Sepultura. The female singer is more melodic and constantly furnished with massive reverb. Overall the band has the aura of an R.D.P. The lyrics are in Greek, so it's a case of Caveat Emptor. - Ali "The Metallian"