Over The Frozen Battlegrounds – 2006 - Banatian Darkness
The Black Order – 2007 - Lupii Daciei
My Soul From The Forest – 2007 – Smell The Stench
Lifeless – 2008 – Banatian Darkness
Poems Of A Rooted Blade – 2009 – Banatian Darkness
Nostalgia Of The Fullmoon Nights – 2011 - Banatian Darkness
Sorcery Of Darkness – 2015 – Loud Rage
Faustian Nights – 2018 - Loud Rage
Dodekatemoria - 2024 - Loud Rage

Ordinul Negru image
Argus, Lifewood, Nocturnal Invocation, Fogland, Ekasia, Negură Bunget, Kultika, Karpates Omos, Argus Megere, Cursed Cemetery, Apollinic Rites, Dara>>FULMINEOS>>Nocturnal Invocation, Fogland, Ekasia, Negură Bunget, Kultika, Karpates Omos, Argus Megere, Cursed Cemetery, Apollinic Rites, Dara – S – Mirthless, Nocturn>>URMUZ>>Mirthless, Nocturn

Argus, Lifewood, Nocturnal Invocation, Fogland, Ekasia, Negură Bunget, Kultika, Karpates Omos, Argus Megere, Cursed Cemetery, Apollinic Rites, Dara>>FULMINEOS>>Nocturnal Invocation, Fogland, Ekasia, Negură Bunget, Kultika, Karpates Omos, Argus Megere, Cursed Cemetery, Apollinic Rites, Dara - Mirthless, Nocturn>>URMUZ>>Mirthless, Nocturn

Argus, Lifewood, Nocturnal Invocation, Fogland, Ekasia, Negură Bunget, Kultika, Karpates Omos, Argus Megere, Cursed Cemetery, Apollinic Rites, Dara>>FULMINEOS>>Nocturnal Invocation, Fogland, Ekasia, Negură Bunget, Kultika, Karpates Omos, Argus Megere, Cursed Cemetery, Apollinic Rites, Dara - ORTHROS

Argus, Lifewood, Nocturnal Invocation, Fogland, Ekasia, Negură Bunget, Kultika, Karpates Omos, Argus Megere, Cursed Cemetery, Apollinic Rites, Dara>>FULMINEOS>>Nocturnal Invocation, Fogland, Ekasia, Negură Bunget, Kultika, Karpates Omos, Argus Megere, Cursed Cemetery, Apollinic Rites, Dara – Syn Ze Șase Tri, Ordinul Negru, Dordeduh, Argus Megere>>PUTRID [ANDREI JUMUGA]>>Ordinul Negru, Dordeduh, Argus Megere

Argus, Lifewood, Nocturnal Invocation, Fogland, Ekasia, Negură Bunget, Kultika, Karpates Omos, Argus Megere, Cursed Cemetery, Apollinic Rites, Dara>>FULMINEOS>>Nocturnal Invocation, Fogland, Ekasia, Negură Bunget, Kultika, Karpates Omos, Argus Megere, Cursed Cemetery, Apollinic Rites, Dara

History & Biography
This black metal band was founded in 2004 and issued Over The Frozen Battlegrounds in 2006. Ordinul Negru is Romanian for The Black Order. The band mounted a campaign of issuing half a dozen split releases before the 2007 CDR EP Undying Attitude. A second album also arrived in 2007. The band issued full-lengths featuring less than half a dozen songs. Nostalgia Of The Fullmoon Nights was the last album with Fulmineos as the sole member. Fulmineos abandoned the vocal position in 2015. Loud Rage Music “proudly” signed Romanian black metal band in June 2015. The band’s Sorcery Of Darkness album was due that autumn. Urmuz and Orthros joined in 2018. Faustian Nights’ artwork was once again done by Romanian artist and close friend of the band, Alexandru Das. Ordinul Negru was issuing its latest two albums, Sorcery Of Darkness and Faustian Nights on limited edition tape version in 2020. Following 2020’s Nebuisa EP, Romania-based black metal band Ordinul Negru had an EP, called A Sojourner Wandering Through The Barren Openness, through Loud Rage Music on November 26th 2021. It featured one track clocking in at 23 minutes. Oedinul Negru had a video for the song Zahir in 2024. The song was taken from the band's upcoming album Dodekatemoria, which was scheduled for an autumn release in collaboration with Loud Rage Music. The new material had been in works for the previous five years and was previously introduced through two EPs, namely Nebuisa in 2020, and A Sojourner Wandering Through The Barren Openness in 2021.

Banatian Darkness was owned by Fulmineos. Most members are also in Argus Megere. The band has toured China.


Lifeless is the fourth release by the formerly one-man band. Back in 2008 Fulmineos was handling all the instruments and Lifeless was one of the man's many releases. Very raw atmospheric synth and vocal dominated black metal is one way to characterize this starting with the opener Wolves From The Ancient Forest. Return To The Lifeless Path makes it clear (no pun intended!) that Fulmineos and Ordinul Negru were very much in the old school demo level low cost production business. Lifeless is a throwback to the ‘90s’ demo days, before the clearest of production quality were available to all. Riffs lost within synths and screams and drums being heard somewhere within. Morbid Prophecy and Serpent's Promise are both over nine minutes long. They both feel like they are way too long. Lifeless is sometimes too true to its title. 66 minutes of underground atmospheric. – Anna Tergel

Nostalgia Of The Fullmoon Nights is Ordinul Negru's sixth full-length. It was originally released in 2011 when the band was (still) a one-man band. This all Fulmineos effort is eight songs and 41 minutes long. In The Fullmoon Nights is the opener and is, as expected, raw and nostalgic very much of the no production era of the 90s. The man's screams hover over chaotic instruments that at least for the opener are very basic and formless black metal but not exactly atmospheric or synth filled. Steps Over Time presents bits of the synths and non-screaming vocals. Not much more can be added about Crepuscul Si Blestem except that it is longer at just over seven minutes. The song length, once again as expected, affords the man time to slow things down. Dark Realm just makes the album too predictable. Song after song the expected sounds abound. Degeneration doesn't even need to be a separate song. Forgotten In Apathy, Waiting For the Winter To Embrace and Beyond Twilight can claim Norwegian black metal as inspiration, perhaps. Nostalgic is the most apt feeling that may be attributed to this release, not much more. A positive attribute, at least, is the under usage of the extra instruments. – Anna Tergel

This was an apprehensive listen that improved after repeat listens. The band does have its so-called ambient moments, but they are overblown upon first listen and the harder and more serious songs and segments rear their more powerful heads after several spins. Let us get the negative out of the way. Aside from the pretentious ambiance, Killing Tristan and Sol Omnia Regit (worst track on the disc) have an abundance of synthesizers, something that should be banned on all metal records. Putting those aside, Ordinul Negru can claim several good riffs and harmonies to its name. The unique and powerful riffing is backed by some powerful drumming. Favourite track Faceless Metamorphosis speeds up to superlative extremes by the time it reaches its end. Even the closing and title track's hint at gothic sounds does well, but as said the band's meat and potato should be its molten metal and nothing else. Think of the Romania-based band as one part fear factory, four parts Satyricon and five parts newer Mayhem. - Ali "The Metallian"


Ordinul Negru