Paraxism image
Sami Kokko>>Grimm’s Journey

SAMI KOKKO - Jiri Sironen

Sami Kokko


History & Biography
This death metal band from Finland lasted eight years beginning in 1990. Four rehearsals/demos preceded the .xism Excursion EP, which was issued by Crawfish Recordings in 1996. Sami and Jiri shared the vocals’ duty on the first demo of 1992. The band had to issue promos and rehearsals as it lacked the funds to tape a proper demo. The band had already incorporated a moog organ and a violin into its sound by 1993 and even called itself “post-death metal.” Two more demos came after the EP, but success did not. Nils Ursin was the late bassist and Manne Ikonen the singer.

Paraxism opened for the likes of Sentenced, Waltari, Wings, Impale Nazarene and Mordicus.


This is an inconspicuous release. Over the old continent and the vast ocean and into my mail box, this 3" MCD appropriately features three songs from the Finnish band which happens to be no strangers to me, having previously heard two of their demos. Although according to the enclosed biography the band has been more active than that. Still, this is their first disc foray and I believe I would be brandishing a justified sentence by wondering out loud if all of Finland has gone The Karelian Isthmus! Of course, there is still Impaled Nazarene, so it is not an epidemic, but Paraxism is definitely reminiscent of earlier Amorphis. Having said that though, they do manage it very well. The opening song has a rocked-out riff which coupled with the progressive touch of the '70s mini moog synthesizer rapidly tarnishes the song to the progressive rock level. It's not all that deep though with the song Leech sporting a slowed-down Assassin riff a minute and half into the song. No one will recognize this one with that band having become obscure years ago and as such I'll leave it at the Karelian metal tag. Get hold of this for $6 (ppd) through Crawfish Recordings, Brahenkatu 7, 20110 Turku, Finland. - Ali "The Metallian"

