Fresco Lungs – 1991 - Witchhunt

Phlegethon image
Jussi Nyblom

Lasse Pyykko>>Hooded Menace, Ruinebell – Juha Tykklainen - Teemu Hannonen>>Hooded Menace, Demented Doctrine

Jussi Nyblom>>Vacant Coffin

Claws, Demented Doctrine, Swarming, Tallow, One Trick Pony>>LASSE PYYKKO>>Tallow, One Trick Pony, Claws, Demented Doctrine, Swarming

Lobotomy Dept, Ruinebell, Shrouded>>LASSE PYYKKO>>Lobotomy Dept, Ruinebell, Shrouded

History & Biography
These deathrashers came together in 1988 and split up in 1992. Teemu and Lasse were school-mates. The band had changed its sound drastically. By this time the band opened for the likes of Xysma and Old Funeral. They reappeared in 1995 and again in 2006 to adhere to the rules of the metal scene Visio Dei Beatifica was a 1989 demo. A Latin title was chosen as Pestilence had issued Malleus Maleficarum and Candlemass had Epicus Doomicus Metallicus. Natural Forest was a 1990 demo. It obviously contrasted itself from unnatural forests. Witchhunt Records issued the band’s album in 1991. It was on vinyl at first, but a CD version followed. The group issued a demo in 1995 called Promo 1995. Demos in 2006 and 2007 were respectively called Totems within and Lava Poetry. Only Lasse Pyykko had returned. Xtreem Music issued a compilation called Drifting In The Crypt in 2010. Floga did the same ten years later.

Phlegethon was a fiery river in Greek mythology.


