Depression – 1989 – Century Media
Behind My Mask – 1991 – Century Media
Back To Haunt – 2016 – Pure Steel
Feather Of Truth – 2020 - Massacre

Poltergeist image
Destruction>>ANDRE GRIEDER>>Destruction

ANDRE GRIEDER – Gurd, Pulver, Erotic Jesus, Powderrose, Panzer, Messiah>>V.O. PULVER>>Gurd, Pulver, Erotic Jesus, Powderrose, Panzer, Messiah – Driving Force, Eddie’s Beast, Solo>>CHASPER WANNER>>Eddie’s Beast, Solo

GRAF – Cryonix, Baphomet>>Marek>>Cryonix, Baphomet, Gurd – Arise, Curare, Uppercut, Bonedust, Requiem, Tinta Leal, Wolf Counsel, Neolithic Regression>>RALF W. GARCIA>>Requiem, Wolf Counsel, Neolithic Regression

Messiah>>Jazzi [Rolf Heer]>>Braindead – Gino [Joel Bessiere] – Calhoun Conquer, Krokus, Mekong Delta, Babylon Sad>>Peter Haas>>Krokus, Mekong Delta, Babylon Sad, Ain’t Dead Yet, Clockwork – The Lie, Cryonix, Destruction, Abandoned, Megora, Raise Hell>>Sven Vormann>>Megora, Raise Hell – Punish, Requiem, Neolithic Regression, Wolf Counsel>>RETO CROLA>>Punish, Requiem, Neolithic Regression, Wolf Counsel

History & Biography
Poltergeist has been a Basil, Switzerland-based that operated as Carrion between 1983 and 1986 before changing monickers and attacking the listeners until 1994. Like all bands the obligatory reformation came in 2013.
The band relocated to Germany in order to give itself a better chance. Demo ’87 came in that year. Andre (newcomer to the band), VO, Tom and Walt were the guilty party. Andre became Destruction’s singer between 1989 and 1990 and reportedly declined becoming the band’s permanent singer. The follow-up was 1988’s Writing On The Wall. It was produced by Schmier of Destruction. Ton was on bass. The band obtained a deal with the upstart Century Media and issued a record in 1989. Robert Kampf Of Century Media was in Despair, a band Poltergeist shared a stage with in a Swiss show with Hades. Graff was on bass and Jazzi was on drums. There was a split flexi-single with Liar first however that was enclosed in Rock Hard magazine. Rock hard and Century Media worked closely and the label was receiving preferential treatment. Marek was the bassist for Behind My Mask. Nothing Lasts Forever foretold the band’s dissolution and was a 1993 demo. V.O. busied himself with Gurd. Peter Haas was on drums.

Marek returned to bass briefly in 2013. Former Destruction drummer Sven Vormann joined in 2013 and stayed four years. The reformation album was recorded at V.O.’s own studio where he had taped others like Destruction and Panzer among others. V.O. joined Panzer, which featured Schmier of Destruction, in 2016. He also re-joined Messiah, a band he was in during the ‘80s. The band was opening the album release concert of Messiah in March 2024.

The band has played shows with Destruction, Tankard, Coroner, Kreator, Rumble Militia and VoiVod among others. Poltergeist was a 1982 horror film. V.O.’s name is the subject of many conspiracy theories and whose meaning is lost in the veils of time.


