Uncivilized – 2019 – Hells Headbangers
Breaking The World – 2021 – Shadow Kingdom

Pounder image
Noothgrush, Exhumed, Athrenody, Scarecrow, Cadaverizer, Gruesome, Dekapitator, Expulsion, Solo>>MATT HARVEY>>Exhumed, Scarecrow, Cadaverizer, Gruesome, Dekapitator, Solo

Crowning Glory, Angel Witch, Savage Messiah, Primitai, Carcass>>TOM DRAPER>>Carcass – Repulsion, Cretin, Noothgrush, Exhumed, Gravehill, Scarecrow, Cadaverizer, Gruesome, Dekapitator, Left To Die, Solo>>MATT HARVEY>>Exhumed, Scarecrow, Cadaverizer, Gruesome, Dekapitator, Left To Die, Solo

Sin Salida, Vallenfyre, Dia De Los Muertos, Nausea>>ALEJANDRO CORREDOR>>Sin Salida, Nausea


History & Biography
This heavy metal band was founded in Los Angeles, California, USA in 2017. Matt had wanted to be in a straightforward heavy metal band for a while. Heavy Metal Disaster was a 2017 demo. Swords And Chains Records released it on cassette. Shadow Kingdom Records issued the band’s debut EP, Faster Than Fire, on 7" vinyl. The band featured Matt Harvey's (Exhumed, Gruesome, Expulsion, etc.), bassist Alejandro Corredor (Nausea LA and live bassist for Vallenfyre) and guitarist Tom Draper (ex-Angel Witch and Crowning Glory). Alejandro Corredor was also a producer for Exhumed in the past. Draper joined Carcass in 2018. Gus Rios (Gruesome and Malevolent Creation among others) was the guest drummer on Uncivilized and Breaking The World. The band toured the USA with Gygax.


