History & Biography The Russia-based doom/dark band was founded in Vyborg in 1996. The group immediately recorded a demo called Liar. The drummer was a Eugene Ushakov. Stigmata was the 2000 demo, which was of course re-pressed by half a dozen demo re-pressing labels. Members came and members went, but Vitaly Belobritsky has been the sole constant member. Alexey Legotin has been with the band since 2005. The group contributed to Manowar and Chimera cover albums in 2002. Bassist Oleg died in 2009. He had been asked to leave the band due to addictions in December 2004. The band relocated to St. Petersburg craving a stable line-up. With a new keyboardist the band toured Ukraine as part of the Triple Interaction tour in autumn 2006. Drummer Alan left in 2013, but re-joined in 2016 before exiting in 2021.
Russia-based doom band Psilocybe Larvae had a video for the track Inner Darkness in 2021 from its Where Silence Dwells album out through Red Rivet Records in December. A vinyl version was expected in February 2022. The album was completed a year prior. Drummer Alexander Yakovlev and guitarist Anton Veresov joined in 2021.
“Honey tea, psilocybe larvae” is a phrase from the song Whatever That Hurts from Tiamat’s 1994 album, Wildhoney.