Cerebral Cereal – 2001 – Unique Leader

Pyaemia image
Nocturnal Silence>>JOEL STA>>Nocturnal Silence, Arsebreed, Buried

Nocturnal Silence, Disavowed>>JOEL STA>>Nocturnal Silence, Disavowed – ANTON DE WIT

Bloodcum>>FRANK ‘RIZZO’ STIJNEN>>Bloodcum, Leng Tch’E, Arsebreed

Nocturnal Silence, Disavowed>>ROBBERT VRIJENHOEK>>Nocturnal Silence, Disavowed, Buried

History & Biography
This Netherlands-based death metal band came together in the autumn of 1995 (with Peter Jan on guitar who left after just two shows) and lasted for a decade. The band went on hiatus first and then officially threw in the towel when drummer Vrijenhoek could not continue due to a pain in his wrists. He would play in the extreme act Buried with Joel Sta half a dozen years later however.

The group began with playing covers of Cryptopsy, Suffocation and Cannibal Corpse. The band had a demo simply called Promotape in 1997. It was short with only two tracks. Another demo was Cranial Blowout of 1998. The band was offered a deal for two records with Repulse Records, but the label backed out due to financial difficulties. The parties had announced an album on Repulse in the interim. The band had earlier rejected an offer from Displeased Records. The act’s sole album was issued in the summer of 2001. Pyaemia was part of the Bloodletting North America Pt. II tour with Monstrosity, Sabbatic Feast and Deeds Of Flesh. The group toured Europe with label-mates Deeds Of Flesh and Disgorge using the Gutting Europe Part 2 monicker. The line-up had remained constant since the last release, but Stijnen left after the release and was replaced by Mark Wormmeester of Bloodcum and Rottus in the summer of 2002. Frank and the band had a farewell show for the man which also featured Aborted and Suhrim. Bassist Patrick of Severe Torture appeared with the band at the Fuck The Commerce V festival as part of the aforementioned European tour.

A pyaemia is a form of blood poisoning.


Cranial blowout indeed! The four death-wielding Dutch men race out of the gates with a straight ahead, full speed brand of death metal, that leaves little room for subtlety or imagination. Blasting drums, bestial vocals and atomic guitars have ended up getting the band a deal with Spain's ever-ready Repulse now, so it won't be before long when we'll hear a full length from this bunch. On the down side, there isn't much originality to be had. It's all been done before by Sinister, Cannibal Corpse et al before. Still, should Pyaemia (a type of blood poisoning - akin to eating at Taco Bell) be able to take their current enthusiasm as a basis and build upon it with hours of concentration and practice, things can certainly look up. After all, the world can always use a new and original death metal band. Write c/o Uilenstede 32, 1138 AH Amstelveen Holland and feel free to also enquire about Nocturnal Silence.

When we reviewed the band's MCD demo in issue 27 (December 1999) the band had just announced signing with Repulse Records of Spain. Although signed there for two albums, the Spanish label's inability to pay for the recording session translated into the parties' amicable split. Unique Leader has picked up the Dutch quartet perhaps though their previous association with Repulse. The result is the oddly-titled Cerebral Cereal. Back then, while commending the band's powerful delivery, the review remarked the overt Cannibal Corpse influences. While those are still in place and audible, the band has taken the Review's advice to heart and practiced many times to release an album filled to the brim with unique and ultra-fast death metal. While songs like Gorging On Mucus And Bile and Carried In Proboscis show off the band's ability to delivering incessant blows to the head, a song like Impaled On Stakes, with its original and talented bass playing, establishes Pyaemia's talent and credentials. This is the rare and pure death metal release with mega pounding bass drums, deep gargling vocals and all the great titles one would demand. - Ali "The Metallian"

