Misanthropic Alchemy – 2007 - FETO
Take The Curse – 2010 - Ritual
Possessed By The Rise Of Magik – 2011 - Ritual

Ramesses image
Hexed, Spirmyard, Lord Of Putrefaction>>ADAM RICHARDSON

Electric Wizard>>Tim Bagshaw>>Serpentine Path, The Howling Wind, With The Dead – Bossk>>ALEX HAMILTON>>Bossk

Hexed, Spirmyard, Lord Of Putrefaction, Pombagira, 11 Paranoias, Akem Manah>>ADAM RICHARDSON>>Pombagira, 11 Paranoias, Akem Manah

Electric Wizard, 11 Paranoias, With The Dead, Dead Witches>>MARK GREENING>>Electric Wizard, 11 Paranoias, With The Dead, Dead Witches

History & Biography
This UK-based death and sludge act was active between February 2003 and 2013 and again between 2016 and 2021. The act was founded following Mark and Tim's departure from Electric Wizard.

PsycheDOOMelic Records distributed the band’s Promo 2003. The tracks were also used on a split with Negative Reaction. The Tomb demo came in 2005 and preceded an EP called We Will Lead You To Glorious Times, which was issued through This Dark Reign Recordings. The band and openers Sourvein toured the UK in 2006. The band also appeared on an Eyehategod covers’ CD. FETO issued the band’s full-length two years later. The album was supported through appearances at Inferno festival, Roadburn Festival and Damnation festival. There was also a split release with Unearthly Trance. The two bands toured Europe. A limited demo was called Baptism Of The Walking Dead in 2009. Chrome Pineal was an experimental EP in 2011.Some of the material was recorded during the Take The Curse sessions.

Bagshaw was not with the band upon its return. He had left in 2012 and replaced by Alex Hamilton. Bagshaw and members of Unearthly Trance formed Serpentine Path. The band did not release anything with Hamilton.

Ramesses’ were Egyptian pharaohs ruling some 2,200 years ago (perhaps older by the time you read this).


Ramesses is a young English band formed by former Electric Wizard and Spirmyard members and boy is this heavy as lead. Technically an EP, but running for forty minutes, We Will Lead You To Glorious Times is the soundtrack to hell. The band's music is hypnotic and crushing at the same time with its guitars slowly and surely pulverizing all resistance. The delivery is wholeheartedly simple, yet what a racket the band makes. The guitars are tuned to perfection which almost drowns the low vocals to a perfect degree of obscurity. The band sounds like a mix between Disembowelment, Winter and Incantation so the inclusion of two videos on the disc is just an icing on the cake here. - Ali "The Metallian"

