No Turning Back – 2007 - Sleaszy Rider
Victims Of Our Circumstances – 2013 - RMB

Redrum image
Tax, Jaded Heart, Letter X, Bonfire, Charade, The Sygnet, Bloodbound, Biss, PowerWorld, Solo, High Voltage, Silent Force>>MICHAEL BORMANN>>Bonfire, Charade, Bloodbound, PowerWorld, Solo, High Voltage, Silent Force

Sarissa, Forbidden Seed>>ATHAN "LYSSA" KAZAKIS>>Troubleman, Forbidden Seed – Conan, Konan, Fourth Dimension, Psycho Choke>>PANOS BAXEVANIS>>Psycho Choke

Horizon’s End, Escape, Sarissa>>Billy Topalides [Vasilis Topalidis]>>Sarissa, Crosswind - Shock Absorber>>ALEX KIDD [ALEXANDER KATSABELAS]>>Shock Absorber, Troubleman

Shellshock, Deceptor, Fatal Attraction>>THANOS SARKENTZIS>>Troubleman

Heavenward, Big Nothing, PowerWorld>>MARCO GRASSHOFF>>PowerWorld

History & Biography
Redrum was a hard rock band founded by Kazakis and Baxevanis in 2003. Sleaszy Rider Records issued the group’s debut album four years later. ROAR re-issued it in 2015. The material was sent to Bormann in Germany for him to add his vocals. Redrum headlined Rosewood Festival in 2012.

The second record was taped at the label’s studio in Germany. The label belonged to the singer Bormann. Alex Kidd (bass) and Marco Grasshoff were now in. The band toured Europe dubbing it Victim Of Our Circumstances Tour in 2013. Redrum climbed the stage at Firefest XI in 2014. A concert in Cyprus, however, was cancelled earlier. The group was working on new material for a new release in 2015. Nothing happened. News of the band was teased in 2021. Nothing Happened.

A couple of members ended up in Troubleman. The first live performance of Forbidden Seed was at Rock On The Beach Festival sharing the stage with Redrum and Bonfire among others in 2015.


