Resistant>>RESISTANT MILITIA>>Resistant>>Resistant Culture - USA

All One Struggle – 2008 - Shaman

Terrorizer>>ANTHONY LOT [ANTHONY REZHAWK]>>Terrorizer

Hector - J.D. Dixon – Terrorizer>>KATINA CULTURE>>Terrorizer

Donald - Rafa

Russ Russell – Ben Axiom

History & Biography
Like most bands that changed its monicker it experienced less popularity and reverted to the original. Moreover, like most bands that give it another go and reform commercial success has been out of reach and new music has been scarce.

The crossover band was founded in El Monte, Los Angeles before ending up the coast in Washington, USA 30 years later. The very first line-up came together in late 1985, but fell apart with Anthony being the only left standing by 1986. The act with Donald on bass, Russ Russell on drums and Hector on guitar now and issued the Resistant Culture EP through the local Wild Rags store/label a year later, which was June 1987. The band called the EP Rhythm And Noise. This was part of the label’s short-lived ‘Hardcore Demo Series.’ Hector left and returned. Angel was added as second guitarist, but did not last. Angel was replaced by Art. Metal Storm/Azra Records was also local and issued the band’s Living By Law EP two years later. Next up was an appearance on the Los Angeles Death Coalition sampler before going into hiatus. A self-titled demo appeared in 1995. Now called Resistant the band issued a full-length demo called Ancient Future in 2000. Drummer Ben Axiom joined in 2003. Welcome To Reality was a 2006 demo again through the band’s Seventh Generation Records’ imprint. The group was Resistant Culture since 2004 and incorporated tribal music. Jesse Pintado, no longer in Napalm Death, was with the act here until his death in 2006. Jesse and Anthony had been in Terrorizer. Shaman Records, a Chicago concert promoter, pressed the band’s sole full-length album, but the group disappeared. Singer Anthony was in Terrorizer as an unofficial stand-in.

The band was working on a full-length called Sacred Hall Of Mirrors in 2012. Shadowed Man was a single in 2018. It heralded the band’s reformation since 2016. A postponed Midwest and West Coast USA tour with d-beat act Avskum was back on for 2023. It was initially scheduled for the autumn of 2020.

Resistant Militia addressed Native American rights, animal rights, environmentalism and incorporates related musical influences in later life.

