New Era - 2008 - Frontiers
Age Of Aquarius - 2009 - Aquarius
Trinity - 2010 - Napalm

Revolution Renaissance image

Stratovarius, Solo>>TIMO TOLKKI>>Solo, Symfonia, Allen - Lande, Ring Of Fire, Chaos Magic, Timo Tolkki's Avalon, Timo Tolkki's Infinite Visions, Timo Tolkki's Strato



History & Biography
Revolution Renaissance came together after Stratovarius fell apart and guitarist Timo Tolkki was looking to do something new in 2008. Tolkki felt isolated in Stratovarius and had a nervous breakdown in 2004. He noted that he had no visitors from the band when hospitalised. Timo also criticised the vocals of Stratovarius singer Kotipelto and explained he was disenchanted that he had to rerecord a live album’s vocals in the studio to make them work. As such, material meant for Stratovarius ended up here.

Tolkki hired guest musicians to join and even incorporated a flower from his previous band’s logo here. The band did not last and ended as swiftly as it had arrived. Still, three albums were issued. Tolkki went into serial solo act mode.

New Era featured former Helloween singer Michael Kiske, Edguy’s Tobias Sammet and Warmen/Thunderstone drummer Mirka Rantanen among others. A South American tour was cancelled, which the band blamed on promoter Incartaz. Age Of Aquarius incorporated session singer Gus Monsanto (Adagio, etc.), Canadian bassist Justin Biggs, drummer Bruno W. Agra and a keyboard player. EP was a 2010 release with alternate versions of New Era tracks. It was put out by Frontiers. Trinity was the third album and on a third label and the band was done in advance of its release. This one had new session and bit players like bassist Magnus Rosén and keyboard player Bob Katsionis.The reason for the disbandment was, “a lack of interest” on the part of the music industry in general and promoters in particular. The man had the same experience with his next act Symfonia and noted that making money was difficult in the current situation.


Timo Tolkki is not wasting any time after the final dissolution of Stratovarius. Revolution Renaissance is his follow-up and naturally the new monicker and album name become symbolic. The apple does not fall far from the tree and the music and vocals are not drastically different from the man’s past. If anything, New Era is a tad harder and less synthetic than what the Finn has done in the past in spite of the ballads strewn all over the albums.
The album’s gem is the opener, a song called Heroes, which rips into amazing fret work following a minute-long intro. The tight drumming, fretful bass and soaring vocals quickly establish the band and album is noteworthy. The material does not remain as hard, but there is plenty to like nonetheless. Clichéd lyrics like “heroes in the night” or “flying to the rainbow” have a place here, but listen to Born Upon The Cross and catch some frightfully real lyrics about the myth of Jesus and Mary. The music is strongly reminiscent of Black Sabbath of the mid-'80s. Keep The Flame Alive begins and ends with a Gaelic melody, the kind one hears on a New Age CD at the spa, while Last Night On Earth is for all intents and purposes a Stratovarius song - no surprise as this album was intended to be the next Stratovarius output really - and of course consequently hints at Gamma Ray or Freedom Cry. Revolution Renaissance, the song, ends the disc and is rather corny with its lyrics, but at least is not another slow song.
This album is good overall and very good for fans of the sub-genre. It features Michael Kiske - he who promised never to return to metal - and Tobias Sammet who lend star power, although Tolkki’s composition and guitar prowess one again form the backbone of a strong contender. - Ali “The Metallian”


Revolution Renaissance