History & Biography
This writer was all but ready to pounce on the band's comical monicker and its odd association with the label's name when the intro to the first tune Acts Of Lunacy hit the wall. The band was not kidding around when it named its debut album. This is nothing but exquisite thrashing heavy metal full of rage, tight rhythms and explosive bursts of power. Song after song on Art Of Aggression delivers a solid wall of interesting riffs and rhythms that belie the band's age and carry out on the promise of the preceding track. The album is quite busy with its vocals, rhythm changes, guitar tones and above all the fascinating barrage of precise drumming. Fans of the last Susperia album, At The Gates, Dew-Scented and so forth need to give these newcomers a chance. This is one solid release with the only fitting criticism being the presence of desultory keyboard parts on songs like the aforenamed opener, Dead Point Of View or Reign Of Hate. Take that trendiness away and Scenteria belongs to metal's prime time. - Ali "The Metallian"