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Reviews THE BROKEN HORIZON – DESOLATION – ART GATES ![](50pc.jpg) Two notes before we review the band’s music. Firstly, the label calls the group’s style ‘contemporary metal.’ It is amazing that even labels signing bands of this sub-genre refuse to use the word mallcore. It is the kiss of death. The words ‘nu-metal’ do appear somewhere and in a minority of places. Secondly, the cover artwork is quite boring and yes indeed desolate. The good news - as much of it as there is - is that the band has enough metal to warrant an inclusion in Metallian. The metal riffs that do exist are like a ton of bricks. Conceptually the band could be compared to a less industrial The Project Hate MCMXCIX.
The intro Desolation could be something off the new Blade Runner sequel and leads to Oui, which is one of the more industrial songs of the act. Synthesizers encircle its effects. Like the rest of the band’s offering the track has razor sharp guitars, asphyxiated vocals and backing tracks. Romantic Song is not what you think. It is romantic in the same way as Donald Trump is cool. Like the song Farewell it is a good showcase for the group’s hugely distorted bass sound. Take a deep breath. This is some bass sound. The dual guitars are deployed to good effect as well. Haunting Me is an outright mallcore song. All the wiggers and assorted teenagers at the mall with their pants on the ground and backward baseball caps will appreciate this. Humanity would also appreciate their committing mass suicide. Favourite track is next and called Deep Pression. Past the clever title, the song is intricate and has some applaudable drumming. The album ends the way it started: with a commercial nu-metal song featuring some girl from some band whom the band is hoping to take on tour with themselves (so they can eat home cooking food). Clearly, this band likes to sandwich its better songs in the middle of its worse. – Ali “The Metallian”