History & Biography
Gottverlassen is the fourth release by this Brazilian thrash unit featuring Jairo Guedz who at one time was the guitarist of Sepultura. The selling point of this 12-song release is also none other than his presence. Yet a name is no more than just that and any album has to be judged by its musical merits. That is where The Mist falls short of the grade. The band's compositions are nothing more than 'heard-it-all-before' thrash tunes which often sound both tried and tired. The same old riff topped with the same old grunt (even if the drumming occasionally mimics Slayer) is not helped by dumb titles like Fangs of A Pig, Switch Off The Body Suckers or Jailmind Man. In a world where the consumer has more than three hundred titles a month to choose from, bands have to have more on offer than something sounding like the leftovers of a Holy Terror LP from 1987! On a slightly more positive note, however; at the very least this band does not try to ape Sepultura by playing tribal music as some like Overdose do. - Ali "The Metallian"