History & Biography
This one was a grower for sure. It tingled me all fluffy and light-weight the same way all the dancing metal bands did in the opening years of this century, but the album manifested better and better musicianship listen after listen and several songs started to stand apart and distinguish themselves. First though, these guys are actually good masters of their instruments. The guitarist and the bassist, especially, pack a cool punch. It sure does indeed help that three of the gents involved have sexy long hair. That’s real metal for you every time. Absolutely, there are several featherweight songs and the odd unwanted instruments, but focusing on the positive the band has better songs like Prince With A 1000 Enemies, The aggressive Wrong Turn and I’ll Come Back For You.
Certainly, Helloween is a direct reference point. The real comparison can be made to the German band Freedom Call however. Helloween though is easier to consider because this band’s name is, well obviously, Trick Or Treat. And then there is the large rabbit on the title and the title. Those could be the Italian boys embedded tribute to Helloween’s Rabbit Don’t Come Easy. There is a note about an author called Richard Adams and the album is only a first part so potentially there is a concept in here. Good job, boys. Dump the weird instruments, cover versions, instrumentals and some of the cheese and definitely come back. - Sheila Wes Det