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I am still waiting to be given the opportunity to give a Mighty Music release a positive review. It is not that Finland's Wolfheart (which is a side project of the band Charon) are a particularly bad band. More accurately, there is little that can be considered stand out or exciting. While the album starts off with a riff with an edge, the rest of the album plods along with its throaty vocals, melodic passages and keyboard interludes. There just isn't enough meat to sink one's metallic talons into on Cold Breath. It aims to do what North From Here did with its technical arrangements, jacket design, etc, but that album's technical genius, overly aggressive hate and complexity is just beyond reach. Wolfheart, thus, remains a lacklustre proposition that is not quite there yet - despite several impressive guitar passages. The duo would do well to develop a beefier wall of guitar rhythm, put more heart into the shrieks of larynx and provide for a more varied experience next time. Na ja mal sehen... - Ali "The Metallian"